15 Bodyweight Back Exercises To Build Stronger Back

Bodyweight Back Exercises

15 bodyweight back exercises to build stronger back- Most of us are planning to do a home workout at home but we do not have any exercises that will target our muscles effectively. Some of our brothers don’t have time to go to the gym but want to be fit and healthy. Don’t worry we have a solution to these problems. If you are also going through these problems then you are on the right page.

In this article, we will share Top 15 bodyweight back exercise which you can easily do at home without any equipment. We will be always there to help you reach your fitness goals. So go ahead and perform this awesome workout plan and feel the result.

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Bodyweight back exercises target all your upper, middle, and lower back muscles and give you perfect results like the gym. Before getting started have a look at the benefits of bodyweight back exercises.

Benefits Of Bodyweight Back Exercises

There are several numbers of benefits to training your back muscles. Here are some major benefits of bodyweight back exercises.

  • Increases your muscle strength- These exercises are so effective that it will help you in muscle building. It also increases your muscle strength and makes you strong.
  • Improves body posture- These days wrong posture is a basic problem. These back exercises will help you improve your postures and different spinal problems.
  • At-home exercises- You can easily perform these bodyweight back exercises at home. To transform your back these are the best exercises.
  • Build a stronger back- Want to build a stronger back? These exercises will definitely help you in building stronger and v shape back at home.

So these were some benefits of bodyweight exercises. We will provide you the best and effective exercises that will definitely help you transform. To get results stay consistent and work hard.

Do you need any equipment to do these exercises?

No. As mentioned in the title they are bodyweight back exercises with no equipment. To perform these exercises all you need is motivation and hard work. So get up from your bed and start doing these exercises.

Which time should we do these exercises?

You can do these exercises at any time. The best time to do a workout is in the morning. The start of the day with exercises makes you more energetic. So choose wisely.

15 Bodyweight Back Exercises To Build Stronger Back

So get ready to workout now. Here is a short view of bodyweight exercises that we will cover in this article.

  • Back Extension
  • Single-Leg Deadlift
  • Wide Grip Incline Pushup
  • Bird Dog
  • Y Superman
  • T Pushup
  • Superman
  • Inverted Row
  • Wide Grip Pullups
  • Chin-up
  • T Superman
  • Reverse Snow Angels
  • Wide Grip Pushup
  • Plank Row
  • Low Plank

Let’s have a brief look at each exercise.

If you want to train other muscles at home go through our Home Workout Series Click Here.

1. Back Extension

Back extension with bodyweight will help you transform your back muscles at home. It usually targets your middle and lower back muscles. If you have any problem related to the spine then this bodyweight exercise is beneficial for you. Try out this awesome exercise. Here is a tutorial on it.

collage 4

Muscle targeted- Middle and lower back muscles.

How to do

  • Lie down on the floor with your chest facing the floor. Keep your whole body straight.
  • Raise your hands straight forward and lift your head up such that your upper body rests on your chest.
  • Now lift your head and hands level to the top.
  • Pause for a second at the top and then release back down.

Complete 2 sets of 12 to 15 reps each (Take a 1-minute break in between the sets).


Back extension bodyweight is as effective as a weighted one. It also reduces your spinal problems like back pain. Considered in best bodyweight exercises for the lower back.

 2. Single-Leg Deadlift

Single leg deadlift without weights? Sounds crazy. One of the best bodyweight back exercises with no equipment. It focuses on your lower back muscles. You don’t even need a dumbbell to perform this exercise. Don’t worry this exercise is an excellent one. Here is a tutorial for you.

single leg deadlift bodyweight 1

Muscle Targeted- Lower back muscles and hamstrings.

How to do

  • Stand straight with your hands at your side and your head straight.
  • Keep bending your leg straight back and your upper body straight forward at the same time.
  • Pause at 90 degrees (if possible) and feel the tension in your lower back and hamstrings.
  • Now switch the legs and repeat the same.

Complete 2 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps each (Take a 1-minute break in between the sets).


Single leg deadlift is an effective choice to train your back easily at home. Targets your lower back muscles and hamstrings.

3. Wide Grip Incline Pushup

No matter which muscle you are training pushup will be the best option. Wide grip incline pushup focuses on your middle back muscles and lats. This exercise increases your stamina and endurance also. Have a look at its tutorial.

wide grip incline pushups

Muscle targeted- Middle back muscles, lats, and abs.

How to do

(You need a bench to do this exercise)

  • Bend down with your hand’s wide grip apart on the bench. (Inclined position)
  • Extend your leg straight on the floor. Keep your head facing forward.
  • Now slowly descend your body until you feel the stretch in your back muscles.
  • Pause for a second and then pushup back to the starting position.

Complete 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps each.


Wide grip incline pushup is an effective bodyweight exercise to train your back muscles. Targets your abs, back, shoulders, etc.

4. Bird Dog

Bird dog is an excellent exercise to train and transform your back muscles. It targets your upper back muscles and sculpts your core muscles. Both beginners and professionals can do this workout easily. Also, it is mentioned in the best bodyweight upper back exercises with no equipment. Here is a tutorial for this exercise.

bird dog

Muscle targeted- Upper back, glutes, and core muscles.

How to do

  • Lie down in a dog position with your knees under hips. Keep your back straight.
  • Now extend your right-hand straight forward and your left leg straight back.
  • Form a 90-degree angle with your other hand and leg respectively.
  • Pause and feel the stretch in your back. Return back to the normal position.
  • Switch the hand and leg and repeat.

Complete 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps each.


An effective bodyweight exercise to train your back with proper stretch. Targets your upper back and core muscles.

5. Y Superman

To train your back muscles effectively for muscle building. Y superman is one of the best bodyweight upper back exercises. It stretches your upper back and lats muscles. An easy exercise but an effective one. Here is a proper tutorial for this exercise.

collage 8

Muscle targeted- Upper back muscles, lats, etc.

How to do
  • Lie down on the floor with your chest facing the floor and your feet together.
  • Extend your hands to form a ‘Y’ shape.
  • Now raise your arms to the top and hold for a second.
  • Feel the tension on your back and return back to the starting position.

Complete 2 sets of 12 to 15 reps each.


Y superman is an excellent workout to train your back at home. It usually targets your upper back muscles and lats.

6. T pushup

Another effective pushup variation to train your back properly. T pushup targets your all back muscles. It also increases your stamina and strength. This bodyweight back exercise will definitely help you in transforming your back muscles. Let’s do this exercise.

t pushups

Muscle targeted- Back, lats, and core muscles, etc.

How to do

  • Lie down in a pushup position with your hands wider than your shoulders. Keep your back straight.
  • Bend your elbows and release down your chest to the ground and squeeze your back muscles.
  • Now push your body up by squeezing your chest. Rotate one side of your body upward and raise your arm straight up along with it.
  • Pause for a second then return back to the starting position. Repeat the reps.

Complete 2 sets of 12 to 15 reps each.


T pushup is a great pushup variation exercise that targets your back, lats, and core muscles.

7. Superman

Superman is considered in one of the best bodyweight back exercises for men. It usually targets your upper and middle back muscles, lats, etc. It also strengthens your muscles and helps in V shape formation of the back. A light workout with heavy effects. Let’s do it. Have a short look at its tutorial.


Muscle targeted- Upper and middle back muscles, lats, etc.

How to do

  • Lie down on the floor with your chest down. Extend your arms straight in front of you.
  • Keep your back straight and squeeze your glutes.
  • Raise your legs up from the floor.
  • Hold in this position and feel the burn. Return back to the starting position slowly.

Complete 2 sets with the hold position.


An effective bodyweight upper back exercise which helps in transforming into V shape back.

8. Inverted Row

The bodyweight exercise will help you sculpting stronger and heavy back. Inverted row targets your middle back and lats muscles. If you want to build stronger back at home then this exercise will be an excellent one for you. Here is a short tutorial for this exercise.

inverted row

Muscle targeted- Middle back muscles, lats, etc.

How to do

  • Attach a bar at your hip height. Grab the bar with a neutral grip and lower yourself under the bar.
  • Hang on the bar and straighten your arms.
  • Now squeeze your shoulder blades and pull your chest up to the bar.
  • Pause at the top and feel the muscle stretch. Return back to the starting position slowly.

Complete 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps each (Take proper rest between the sets).


The inverted row is a well know effective back exercise that targets your middle back and late muscles.

9. Wide Grip Pullups

Another wide grip exercise to train your back effectively, Wide grip pullups focuses on your upper back and lats muscles. It is also called as the ultimate lat exercise. The best and effective way to get bigger lats muscles. Here is a short tutorial for this exercise.

Wide grip pullups

Muscle targeted- Upper back muscles, lats.

How to do

  • Hang on the pull-up bar with your hand’s wide grip apart.
  • Keep your legs straight or crossed. Do not uneven the legs during the exercise.
  • Pull your body to the top and feel the burn in your lats and back.
  • Pause at the top and then return back. Repeat the reps.

Complete 3 sets of 5 to 10 reps each.


The ultimate lat attack Wide grip pullup targets your lats and upper back muscles. One of the best bodyweight upper back exercises with no equipment.

10. Chin-up

Another great pulling exercise to train your back muscles. Chinups targets your middle back and lats muscles. If you want to transform your back at home then never miss this burning workout. Both beginners and professionals can do this workout. Here is a tutorial on how to do this exercise.


Muscle targeted- Middle back muscles, lats, etc.

How to do

  • Hang on the bar with a neutral grip and your palms facing towards your face.
  • Keep your back straight.
  • Now lift your body upward until your chin crosses the bar.
  • Pause for a second and then slowly return back to the original position.

Complete 3 sets of 5 to 10 reps each.


Chin up is a great pulling exercise to train your back and lats muscles. Make sure to keep your back straight during this exercise.

11. T Superman

Another superman variation exercises to train your back muscles. T superman is a light exercise that targets your upper and middle back muscles. It is also one of the best bodyweight exercises to strengthen upper back muscles. Light exercise with a strong burn. Go ahead and perform this crazy exercise. Here is a tutorial for it.

collage 6

Muscle targeted- Upper and Middle back muscles etc.

How to do

  • Lie down on the floor in a superman position. Rest your palms at their sides on the ground.
  • Keep your feet together and back straight.
  • Now raise your arms and the upper chest from the floor until you feel the squeeze in your upper back.
  • Pause for a second and return back to the starting position.

Complete 2 sets of 10 to 15 reps each (Take a 1-minute rest in between the sets).


T superman is a light bodyweight exercise to sculpt your back muscles that targets your upper back muscles.

12. Reverse Snow Angels

Only a few of the bodybuilders know about this effective bodyweight back exercise. Reverse snow angels are a light exercise that activates your back muscles and helps in muscle building. It usually focuses on your upper back muscles. To train your back muscles properly and effectively this exercise is a good one. Let’s have a look at its tutorial.

collage 7

Muscle targeted- Upper back muscles.

How to do

  • Lie down on the floor with your chest facing down. Keep your feet straight and your head relaxed on the floor.
  • Keep your hands at the side of your hips and your back straight.
  • Now make a wide arc with your hands until they meet in front of your head.
  • Pause for a second and return back slowly. Repeat the reps.

Complete 2 sets of 10, 12 reps each.


One of the best bodyweight exercises to strengthen upper back muscles. Also helps in muscle building.

13. Wide Grip Pushup

Wide grip pushup is a great exercise to train your back with a proper stretch. It usually focuses on your middle back muscles and lats. It also strengthens your core muscles. Make sure to keep your back straight during this exercise. Here is a short tutorial of it.

bodyweight back exercises

Muscle targeted- Middle back, lats, and core muscles. etc.

How to do

  • Lie down in a pushup position with your hands wider than your shoulders.
  • Descend your body down to the floor.
  • Now squeeze your back and push your body up to the starting position.
  • Repeat the reps.

Complete 3 sets of 15 to 20 reps each.


Wide grip pushups target your upper, middle back, triceps, and core muscles. One of the best bodyweight exercises for the upper back with no equipment.

14. Plank Row

Plank row is one of the best bodyweight upper back exercises. It strengthens your upper back muscles and is really effective. Both beginners and professionals can easily do this exercise. Let’s have a look at its tutorial.

bodyweight plank row

Muscle targeted- Upper back muscles.

How to do
  • Get down in a high plank position with wider feet than shoulders.
  • Keep your core tight and your shoulders at your hips level.
  • Now pull your right elbow up until your wrist reaches your ribs.
  • Pause and feel the stretch in your back. Return back and repeat the same with the other hand.

Complete 3 sets of 15 to 20 reps each hand. (Take one-minute rest in between the sets)


Light bodyweight back exercises to startup the workout. Targets and strengthens your upper back muscles.

15. Low Plank

Another effective bodyweight back exercise for a stronger back. Low plank targets your lats and middle back muscles. It helps in improving your body posture and core strength. Here is a short tutorial for this no-equipment back exercise.

bodyweight back exercises

Muscle targeted- Lats, middle back, and core muscles.

How to do

  • Lie down on the floor and lift your hips, thighs off the floor. Rest your upper body on your elbows.
  • Make sure that your body forms a straight line and this will be your starting position.
  • Remain in this position and feel the burn in your back and core muscles.

Remain in this position until failure. Complete 2 sets with the same posture.


The low plank strengthens your lats, middle back, and core muscles. It also helps in improving body posture.

To download 15 Bodyweight Back Exercises To Build Stronger Back PDF

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In this article, we have discussed the 15 best bodyweight back exercises for a stronger back. You don’t need any equipment to do these exercises. It includes all effective bodyweight exercises which target your upper, middle and lower back muscles. Also, there is a short tutorial for each exercise. A free PDF of this workout plan is given below. If you want to transform your back at home without any equipment then this workout plan is for you. Go ahead, work hard, and feel the results. All the best and stay strong. Buildingbeast.


Also, read our article on Best Biceps Workout At Home Click Here.